Tea Rose Pearls
An Official Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Established in 2022 to serve Angleton, Brazoria, Freeport, Lake Jackson and Sweeny, Texas

President's Message
Thank you for visiting the virtual home of Tea Rose Pearls, An Official Interest Group of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. We are encompassed of a distinct group of women who are dedicated to make an IMPACT on the Southern Brazoria community by collaborating and partnering to improve the quality of life for all the citizens as we envision service to all mankind.
Our programs are strong and are building a lasting impression within the Lake Jackson and the Southern Brazoria County Community. We hold steadfast to “Exemplifying Excellence Through Sustainable Service”
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website to learn about our programs of service. We encourage you to return often for announcements and updates regarding our community programs, activities, and events.
Michalyn D. Porter, PhD